Monday, 25 August 2014

Teaching the Spelling Rules

 We are looking at the spelling rules today.  Students are choosing a rule, rewriting it in a way that they understand it and then practicing using it in their writing.  They are really enjoying this activity and the discussion is really interesting.  "Did you know...?", "I didn't realise this..." "I get it now.."


My boys have very little confidence when it comes to spelling.  They are actually really embarrassed about their abilities with spelling words correctly.  It is so bad that they will chose easier words in their writing because they are know how to spell it, rather than try a word they might get wrong.  Over the last few weeks I have stressed to them, that spelling is not something they need to worry about.  I just want them to try and then we can correct things together.

These boys love to use wonderful language and when I sent them out around the school on a "treasure hunt" the other day they came back with some excellent descriptive phrases and words to describe areas of our school on a cold and foggy morning.

When they got back to class, they highlighted the words they think they spelled wrong.  Then I typed up the list and we read through it together.  We noticed that we could tell what all the words were suppose to be, they had been sounded out really well.  They were just missing the knowledge of some of the spelling rules, so that is our next little goal.

The list:
Hops (basket ball)
Unstraight parking
Senice fare
Red and witie
Shriveld / serveled/sreviled

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Story writing

Boys were given pictures to choose from and a story planning sheet.  They could choose whether they worked by themselves or with a partner and they could choose to either type or hand-write their stories.

Poihipi and Douglas chose a picture of a rugby tackle and decided to write a story about the Rugby World Cup.  They planned and wrote their story together on a Google Doc.

What the boys have to say about Writing...


Interesting to hear the boys love writing when it is on their terms.  If they can write about what they want to write about, then they are keen.  If they are told what they are to write about and how, then the ideas and passion don't flow so freely.

All of my boys prefer to type, rather than hand write.

And all but one, like being given the time to plan their writing first.

Some boys prefer to write on their own and some prefer to write with others.  I let my boys choose for this task.